Film Adapting ‘The Piano Lesson’ for the screen with auteur Malcolm Washington, co-writer Virgil Williams and actor Michael Potts , and Ruthie Fierberg
Closer Look How Samuel L. Jackson shed his star power for Broadway’s ‘Piano Lesson’ , and Ruthie Fierberg Audience Choice Awards ‘Into the Woods’ leads winners of 2023 Audience Choice Awards , and Ruthie Fierberg
The Piano Lesson Prop piano from Broadway’s ‘Piano Lesson’ to land in Smithsonian museum , and Caitlin Hornik
Review LaTanya Richardson Jackson’s sharp direction keeps ‘The Piano Lesson’ mostly in tune , and Brittani Samuel
Announcement Samuel L. Jackson, Danielle Brooks to star in ‘The Piano Lesson’ on Broadway , and Caitlin Huston
Film "The Piano Lesson" to be filmed for Lincoln Center Theatre on Film and Tape Archives , and Caitlin Hornik