All In: Comedy About Love Broadway’s ‘All In’ to appear on ‘This American Life’ , and Ruthie Fierberg
Exclusive Exclusive: Katharine Quinn’s media company will launch Broadway content network with series of five shows , and Michael Abourizk
Closer Look How Lincoln Center Theater continues the legacy of the women who built it , and Ruthie Fierberg
Recoupment ‘Stereophonic’ recoups investment; will tour and play West End in 2025 , and Michael Abourizk
Video Watch AnnMarie Milazzo perform the title track from ‘The Shape of Things: Songs From “Joy The Musical”' , and Ruthie Fierberg
Personnel Concord Theatricals announces key executive appointments and promotions , and Ruthie Fierberg
In Development Eliza Kennedy’s novel ‘Lucky Night’ to be adapted for the stage , and Michael Abourizk