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On The RISE: March Events

RISE believes in celebrating Women's History every month and March is just another reminder of that. Hear from women in the industry at our upcoming networking career fair, check out the work of our Network Partners-many of which are founded, co-founded and led by women, or join us at Amplify to connect with more women making an impact on musical theater. Let's continue to carve out gender equity this month and every month.

Our network partners are hosting some great events this month. Check out what’s On the RISE in the RISE Theatre Network. If you want to stay in the know, check out

Join us for Maestra’s AMPLIFY 2025

Monday, March 31, 2025
Sony Hall, NYC at 8:00PM EDT

The annual Amplify concert and fundraising event, held the last Monday in March to align with Women’s History Month, brings together Maestras and RISE Directory Members from all over the world for an electric evening of unique musical performances and powerful storytelling.

The event is produced to achieve maximum awareness and support for the talented women and nonbinary members of the musical theater community.

Tickets are going fast! 

Tickets Here. 

The 1/52 Project

The OBIE award winning 1/52 Project is offering $15,000 grants for early-career theatre designers from historically excluded groups with the aim of diversifying and strengthening the Broadway design community.

The 1/52 Project has given out $350,000 in grants in the past three years to 21 early career set, costume, lighting, sound, projections, hair, and makeup designers.Candidates of diverse backgrounds representing the full spectrum of theatrical activity, including those who have worked in non-traditional venues, are encouraged to apply to this program. The 1/52 Project considers all women as part of a historically excluded group.

Applicants will be chosen based on talent, creativity, innovation, financial need, and potential for future excellence in the professional theatrical field.-Candidates must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or hold employment-based nonimmigrant and immigrant visas at the time of application.

-Candidates must have designed professionally for a minimum of three years.

-Candidates enrolled in, or on leave from, university or conservatory training program periods are not eligible.

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2025.

Semifinalists will be notified by early May 2025. Recipients will be notified after Labor Day 2025.


Theatre Advocacy Project- Survey

TAP is building on their foundational research and they need your help: Take the 2025 Workplace Culture Survey!

From 2020 to 2022, TAP’s research revealed alarming trends: 65% of artists reported experiencing workplace abuse, yet only 6% had access to resources for support. Additionally, 85% of professional theatres across the country lacked formal human resource structures.These findings highlighted a critical gap in the industry, leading to the development and piloting of TAP’s services (online membership, consulting, workshops, rehearsal packages, workplace culture survey & data reports, and community events) to address these challenges head-on.

Help TAP update their findings and make sure their services best represent YOU and your needs!


Design Action Production Manager + Designer Virtual Meetup

Design Action will be hosting a Production Manager + Designer Virtual Meetup in collaboration with the Production Managers’ Forum on March 24th at 5p ET / 4p CT / 2p PT to connect their BIPOC designers with production managers across the country.

This is a wonderful networking opportunity to meet the people managing the many regional theatres in the U.S. This opportunity is open to all members of Design Action and the PMF, and any rising BIPOC designers.


R.Evolución Latina Beyond Workshop Series 2025

Presented by R.Evolución Latina in collaboration with Pregones PRTT, this one-of-a-kind interdisciplinary program offers performing arts training with a unique emphasis on ensemble work and community building.

BWS challenges artists to strengthen their technical skills in dance, acting, and voice while fostering self-confidence and leadership abilities. Through collaborative classes participants will enhance their artistry and storytelling while deepening their understanding of what it means to create as part of an ensemble.

The program will culminate in a unique showcase opportunity. Participants accepted into BWS 2025 will have the chance to join R.Evolución Latina’s 2025 showcase production—a new work in development directed by Luis Salgado. While participation in the showcase is an exciting opportunity, it is not mandatory and does not impact involvement in the BWS program.

March 15th at 11am Cardio Dance & Pilates with Jose Ozuna

April 30th at 6pm Online Voice Over Workshop with Jean-Marc Berne


Visibility Report & Toolkit

Our partners at the Asian American Performers Action Coalition (AAPAC) have  released their latest Visibility Report and a Toolkit designed for theatres across the country producing works by AAPI/Asian writers.

Inspired by listening sessions and surveys which revealed that less than 5.5% of AAPI/Asian theatre artists nationwide believe that theaters are creating an environment of inclusion for AAPI/Asian people, (AAPAC) has created its first toolkit.

And they just released their visibility report from the 2021/2022 Season.


Season 5 of Women & Theatre!

Women & Theatre Podcast Season 5 launched last week! This season, Hayley and Amy are thrilled to share more inspiring interviews with incredible women and gender-expansive folks across the theatre industry. The first half of the season includes a bonus Women’s History Month series of Playwrights You Should Know About, presented in partnership with Expand the Canon and Playbill.

New episodes come out Tuesday evenings - watch and listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, or on the Women & Theatre website!


The Asian American Theatre Artists Collective, founded by Christine Toy Johnson in 2023, uplifts and illuminates AAPI theatre makers across all disciplines via think tanks, shared resources, and an online community resource directory.

Save the Date

April 7, 2025: 11am – 5pm for their first event (in person in NYC and live streamed). RSVP beginning March 10.