2024 Tony Awards News Tony Awards announces partnership with Baccarat and Basil Hayden , and Michael Abourizk
Video Watch Eddie Redmayne and Gayle Rankin share initial reactions to their Tony Award nominations , and Michael Abourizk
5 minutes with a Tony nominee 5 minutes with a Tony nominee: ‘The Outsiders’’ Joshua Boone , and Ruthie Fierberg
Closer Look How Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’ investigation of the family drama led to ‘Appropriate’ , and Ruthie Fierberg
2024 Tony Awards News Erich Bergen will host ‘First Impressions Cam’ at 2024 Tony Awards , and Michael Abourizk
Grosses Broadway box office soars over same week last season as multiple shows have highest-grossing week , and Michael Abourizk
Casting Broadway’s ‘Back to the Future’ musical will welcome two new principal cast members , and Andy Lefkowitz
5 minutes with a Tony nominee 5 minutes with a Tony nominee: ‘Jaja’s African Hair Braiding’’s Whitney White , and Ruthie Fierberg
5 minutes with a Tony nominee 5 minutes with a Tony nominee: ‘Stereophonic’’s Enver Chakartash , and Ruthie Fierberg