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8 terms you’ll hear in an advertising meeting

Amanda Pekoe of the Pekoe Group defines common ad and marketing jargon.

Amanda Pekoe (Credit: Courtesy of the Pekoe Group)

I love Broadway. My mission is to connect shows with audiences who will love them, which is why I founded the advertising agency the Pekoe Group 15 years ago. Advertising is evolving rapidly. One of my personal goals is for theater producers and advertising agencies to have more effective conversations. It’s with this goal in mind that I teach the “Advertising for Theatre” course for Columbia University’s MFA producers and managers candidates, and I am excited to curate this new series of articles with Broadway News.

In this series, our Pekoe Group experts will discuss different advertising topics and points of view with the intention of deepening the conversation around advertising for Broadway. Expect pieces on everything from ad creative to digital to social media. If you have a question, a point or a thought you'd like us to explore, please email

When launching a new show, your first ad meeting is a thrill. But if you are not familiar with marketing and advertising, sentences like the following can be a little confusing: 

The ROI on those programmatic banners is low but they seem to be on strategy because the upper-funnel KPIs are strong."

Let’s define these bolded terms and more.

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